Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Boss Tak Ada Telinga

Johan dilahirkan tanpa telinga, tetapi walaupun cacat dia berjawatan tinggi di sebuah bank. Satu hari dia mahu mengambil kerani baru dan tiga orang disenarai pendek untuk sesi temuduga.

Calon pertama seorang lelaki yang mempunyai penampilan yang baik. Tetapi di akhir temuduga Johan bertanya satu soalan kepada lelaki itu. "Awak nampak tak sesuatu yang ganjil pada saya?" "Ya, tapi minta maaf kalau saya kata tuan tak ada telinga," jawab lelaki itu dengan jujur. Merasa terhina dengan jawapan itu, Johan mengusirnya keluar dari pejabat.

Calon kedua ialah seorang perempuan yang berpengalaman bekerja di bank hampir 5 tahun. Dia lebih baik dari calon pertama tadi. Tetapi diakhir sesi temuduga, Johan bertanya soalan yang sama ditanya pada calon pertama. "Awak nampak tak sesuatu yang ganjil pada saya?" "Eeemmm... .tuan tak ada telinga," sebaik mendengar jawapan dari perempuan itu, Johan berang dan menghalaunya keluar.

Calon terakhir adalah yang terbaik, walaupun masih muda,dia telah bekerja lebih 8 tahun di bank. Selain bijak, dia juga tampan dan bergaya. Seperti calon terdahulu, Johan bertanya soalan serupa."Awak nampak tak sesuatu yang ganjil pada saya?" "Ya. Awak pakai contact lens," jawab pemuda itu,walaupun terkejut, Johan gembira dengan jawapan pemuda itu. Dia hairan kerana pemuda itu sangat teliti dan dapat melihatnya memakai contact lens walaupun mereka duduk agak jauh.

"Bagaimana awak tau" tanya Johan lagi. Pemuda itu ketawa besar hingga jatuh terguling-guling sambil berkata," Dah tentu tuan tak boleh pakai cermin mata sebab tuan tak ada telinga". Johan bengang. 

Thank you for reading ;p

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The child didn’t die because?


Sometimes you see something which is a Miracle of Allah. 
Following pictures will show a miracle that happened in emergency ward of a Jeddah Hospital.

This kid was brought to hospital.

In Real critical condition.

You can see the two steel rods passing through his neck.

The kid was still alive and breathing (Thanks to ALLAH)

1 Rod passes through his neck and the other from arm pits.

One coming just above ear and other from neck.

What happened then?

They remove 1st rod from his arm pits and what about other?

The two rods removed from the child. Will you believe it?

ALHAMDULILLAH the boy is alive and in this picture he is telling how his bicycle collided with a truck carrying steel rods.

You can see the spot now.

سبحان الله
The child didn’t die because Allah (SAW) didn’t write his death that day!

Thank you for reading ;p

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Friend Do You Like Kids?


Hi there! Do you like kids?
Do you think they’re lovely?

Lovely aren’t they?
Do you have any idea that there are ...

Also some “different” kids?

Somewhere on this earth at the same time with very different circumstances?

Are they different?
No, they are not!
They have the same picture in mind ...

Now are they different?
Yes, they are!

Some of them are thinking of ...
Which flavor ice cream they will eat tonight ...
But some of them are thinking of one thing only …
Just one thing ...


Let us pray for the children of this world!
Let us join hands in Prayer!
Let us truly repent for our wrongs so that God can forgive us our sins and heal our world!
Thank you for reading ;p

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Woman in IT


She remembers everything, FOREVER.

RAM Woman:
She forgets about you, the moment you turn her off.

Everyone knows that she can't do a thing right, but no one can live without her.

EXCEL Woman:
They say she can do a lot of things but you mostly use her for your four basic needs.

She is good for nothing but at least she is fun!

Difficult to access.

Always busy when you need her.

She makes horrible things look beautiful.

CD-ROM Woman:
She is always faster and faster.

E-MAIL Woman:
Every ten things she says, eight are nonsense.

VIRUS Woman:
Also known as "WIFE" when you are not expecting her, she comes, installs herself and uses all your resources. If you try to uninstall her you will lose something, if you don't try to uninstall her you will lose everything.

Thank you for reading ;p

Friday, January 6, 2012



     Seorang gadis membawa teman lelaki barunya yang berasal dari bandar pulang ke kampung untuk bertemu dengan neneknya. Setibanya ke rumah, si gadis terus meluru masuk ke dapur dan memeluk neneknya. Lupa tentang teman lelakinya yang masih di ruang tamu, si gadis tersebut terus berbual dengan neneknya.Teman lelakinya terus duduk di ruang tamu, sambil menantikan kekasihnya di dapur dia terpandang semangkuk kecil kacang badam dan gajus di atas meja. Bosan menunggu, dia pun terus mangambil sebutir kacang, lalu 

     Setengah jam kemudian, habis semangkuk kacang itu dimakannya! Si gadis telah puas berborak dengan neneknya baru teringat yang teman lelakinya masih berada di ruang tamu. Lalu dia dan neneknya baik ke ruang tamu.

"Nenek, inilah teman lelaki saya yang katakan tadi. Ayang, minta maaf lupa nak kenalkan dengan nenek tadi," kata si gadis.

"Tak mengapa, saya pun nak minta maaf dengan nenek, sebab habis semangkuk kacang nenek saya habiskan." kata pemuda itu pula.

"Itulah cu, cucu-cucu nenek ini suka berikan nenek coklat kacang, tapi nenek ni bukannya ada gigi, jadi nenek pun hisaplah coklat tu sampai habis, kacangnya nenek letakkanlah dalam mangkuk tu. Kehkehkeh!

Thank you for reading ;p

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

He is...


At times...
When you feel...
At the end of your rope...
And depressed...
What should you do?
Cry in despair?
Get angry?
And turn into a monster?
Get drunk?
Take drugs?
Even if you feel...
Very sad...
Like a fool...
And inferior...
That there is SOMEONE...
Who really CARES about you!
Always LOOKING  AFTER you!
Really LOVES you!
Guess who?
He is...

Thank you for reading ;p

Sunday, January 1, 2012




2011 ---> Japanese Movie + Facebook + Blog.   

2012 ---> Fireworks + Japanese Movie + Facebook + Blog.

Thank you for reading ;p